#12 What's your Numbing Mechanism You Use to Avoid Things? Truth & Tips

Season #1

C’mon. We all have a way that when we need to shut out life’s pressures we turn to an activity, a product, a diversion or we crawl and bed and shut out the world.

There are lots of reasons that we would choose to have or need a numbing mechanism. Sometimes, even something that we love becomes our medicine of choice or our diversion to turn to. There are times that what we enjoy doing consumes so much time that it is unconsciously numbing us from much of life.

Numbing mechanisms are not bad in and of themselves unless they are destroying our lives or keeping us from achieving our goals and dreams.  

This episode, we are going to address the real reason we should be looking at our numbing mechanisms and 4 tips that can lead us to bring more balance to how we spend our time.

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