#35 It's Intermission Time, Adults, Teens and Kids Need to Know This

Season #1

In the play called life, sometimes you need an intermission. What is a skill we can give our teens that will help them redirect what will happen in their life when the curtain goes up each morning? Can we rewrite the play? Can we decide a new ending?  Can we sway the actors and actresses that interact with us? Sure, we can because we can decide what role we will play, and we can decide how we will interact with those players and actors that come in and out of the scene of life that we experience every day.

 Are you ready for an intermission? Are you ready to take a pause on the day and reset the stage for a more powerful 2nd half, or whatever time of day? If we can set ourselves up to succeed in the morning and know how to call a reset whenever we need it, we can set ourselves up for the end of the day CURTAIN CALL that looks and feels so much different than experiences from the day before and the day before. Your intermission is customized to you. Experience a mediation that all of us need to know. Your kids and teens need this as a go to anytime they need support. Try this one. You will love it!